Are you burning too hot?

Last week this question totally grabbed my attention. I heard it on the radio while I was making lunch and it made …

Flower Magic!

This afternoon, I picked a book from my bookshelf just to flick through. The one I picked was A New Earth by …

Blooming Marvellous

What flower essence could help you? I love flower essences and think I’ve probably been using them for more than 20 years …


Are you becoming a work bore? Is there no time for anybody or anything else? Are you feeling exhausted and stretched to …


What would life be like for you if you really glowed, tingled or shimmered? This doesnʼt mean that you have to dowse …

True to Yourself

Is your life just one long list of things to tick off? Do you find yourself living in the future – thinking …


Do goals you once cared passionately for now leave you cold? Goals, for me at least, conjure up a similar image to …