Far, Far Away Sessions

Time pressures and location can often mean that making an in person appointment is not really practical for you.

If physically meeting up is not an option for you then I would recommend connecting virtually  as a workable solution. I frequently meet with clients virtually, using Skype, in the UK and abroad.

Alison sitting

These sessions are terrific to give you focus and help with decisions. Plus you get to choose times that suits you best.

What’s more is that the sessions are recorded so that you can go back over and listen at your leisure. Clients say that this helps them focus and avoids taking session notes.

Plus sharing and verbalising what you are experiencing gives you the benefit of being accountable to another person.

All that I ask you to do is to fill in a quick evaluation/assessment questionnaire before we meet which helps you you to get specific on what you want to focus on.

Sessions include Coaching and Mentoring support and may also have some Kinesiology.


Then let’s first arrange a Complimentary Evaluation Session where you get to ask questions and we can ensure that we are a good fit for each other.


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Here’s what’s included in the Skype Package or you can tailor your own 

  • A brief pre-session assessment questionnaire to help you get clear on your objectives and desired outcomes
  • 3 x one hour calls where you get to focus on your current issues
  • A recording of each call, so no need to take notes and you can listen back at your leisure
  • An accountability partner to support you based on your specific needs
  • E-mail support in between calls to keep you on track and to provide momentum
  • Sessions to be used within 3 months of your purchase date