
Client Testimonials

Here are just a few comments from existing clients.

My sessions with Alison really helped me to focus on what I needed to do for me, and consequently improve what I can do for others. – Ellen, 46

The experience helped me get to know myself and work out who I am. Over the years I felt I’d gradually lost touch with that. Now I’ve got a belief system that’s right for me. –  Julie, 52

The sessions have really helped me with achieving balance in my life and getting me to a place where I can be all I can be – Maslow’s ‘self-actualisation’, if you like. Thinking on all the areas where you’ve helped me – my goodness, it has covered just about every part of my life – on the physical front, you’ve helped me repair my digestive system through identifying food intolerances and supplements to support me. Helping to get rid of all my IBS, gallstone, arthritis, gout problems etc. I have finally come to terms with my body and my weight and I’m now in a happy place with my body and self-perception. It’s also helped me to repair my relationships with my parents and brothers by getting rid of the stress and giving me coping techniques. You’ve helped me through handling the stress of my PhD, my viva and subsequent job interviews. You’ve helped me work through and handle the stress of overwork and finding my inner strength. Of being able to identify my needs and how to cope with them. In fact, I have a lot to thank you for over the past 7 years. –  Shuna, 52 

I’ve been working with Alison on and off for around 3 years and the changes in my life over this time have been quite simply amazing.  The very first time I went along and Alison asked me why I was there, the answer I gave was not the one I had gone along with in my head!  Yet, the goal I set then seems to have remained a constant right up to the present day with differing goals along the way which have taken me onto fabulous new ways of dealing with all the relationships and challenges in my life.  Every aspect of how I deal with things has completely changed – I have a strength which didn’t exist before, and an authenticity in my life which provides me with a solid core to build from.

Previously I didn’t have that solidity and often felt life pulled me in every direction and I followed wherever that took me, rather than taking control of myself and my life.  In addition Alison has a compassion which allows you to feel you can open up completely to her.  She had bundles of fabulous advice, has a great sense of humour which is necessary when one is exploring themselves at such a deep level and she is always available to support you throughout, you never feel you are having to go through all the changes on your own.

Alison also helped my teenage daughter deal with some of her life challenges and again has provided her with some solidity which she has been able to build from. 

In addition my energy levels improved, my sleeping pattern improved, my monthly cycle improved and overall health improved.

I can’t imagine what my life would feel like right now had I not met Alison.  I’m always giving my thanks to her for all her help and support that she has provided whilst I’ve working with her. So once again Alison, thank you.  The positive energy I’ve gained from the work that you do is stunning! – Jacquie, 48 

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I have been attending sessions with Alison for a number of years and have always found them to be helpful, calming, informative and inspiring. She has helped me navigate through some of the hardest moments of my life and has allowed me to find the inner strength and confidence to achieve some of my greatest feats. Sometimes, I have attended frequently and sometimes it’s a full year before I am back but I wouldn’t be without her, and often think to myself at difficult moments “what would Alison say?“. I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking for a little extra support and guidance to help them find the right path in life for them. –  Roslyn, 28 

It is not easy to explain or verbalise exactly how Alison helps, as it is very much a personal journey and experience.  She has helped and guided me to finally understand and accept myself.  Alison is a genius! –  Marion, 43