Balance Sessions

Did you know a Kinesiology session is called a “Balance”?


I know how daunting it can be to do something new especially if it’s personal, involves investing in yourself and offers you the possibility of making some major life changes. This means that I get that you might be a little apprehensive.

I remember, many years ago, being given the name of a local Kinesiologist. I sat on her details for at least 6 months before I did anything. I suppose I was scared to call as I wasn’t sure how it could help me out.

Needless to say it worked for me, changed my life and here I am today doing the work I love with clients who are inspired to change and grow.

My clients tell me that during their balancing session…

  • they want someone to listen and not judge them
  • they want someone to help them wrestle their way through a problem, to hold the space for them while they do the work
  • they want someone who will let them cry and not try to stop them
  • they want someone with them while they feel strong emotions and learn to handle them
  • they want someone to celebrate with at the end of the session

I’m that SOMEONE!

Alison Finlay is an experienced business coach and mentor.

Alison Finlay - November 2013

What to expect from Kinesiology…….

Here are some points that might be helpful to know before you decide Kinesiology is for you.

  • Kinesiology (and Alison for that matter!) is not able to wave a magic wand and take away something that you may have experienced for some time. Ask yourself how long did it take to manifest the problem and then how long do you realistically think it will take to go away?
  • Kinesiology is based on natural medicine and relies on your body’s own innate ability to heal itself. And remember everybody heals differently – think of a bruise or a cut and how different people react and recover.  Some clients find this methodology is quite different, and may seem alien, to their experience of healthcare which is based on a western medical approach i.e. You have a pain or a sore bit, you go to the doctor’s and he gives you something to treat the symptom.
  • This means that you see results gradually and over a few sessions. Your problem will not necessarily disappear the first time we meet, although that can and does happen to some clients.
  • In Kinesiology, a symptom is in an indication that a part of your body or life may be out of balance.  Kinesiology does not seek to treat the symptom but looks to find the route cause.
  • Kinesiology is based on an energy model and not on a medical one. That means it doesn’t treat named diseases but the  whole person.

Want to find out more?

If you’re not sure if this approach is quite right for you then book a Complimentary Evaluation Session with me.  That way we get a chance to chat, I can answer your questions and you get to figure out if this route is for you. No strings attached – honest!

Click here to complete the Complimentary Evaluation Session questionnaire. Once that’s done I’Il be in touch to schedule some time with you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Ready to book your Balance Session?

On the other hand, if you’re ready to dive straight then you’ll want to find out what availability I have. And did I mention that the best way for us to work is face to face in a Balance Session? My clinic is based on the South Side of Glasgow with easy parking and is close to rail and bus routes.

Schedule Appointment

Are you far, far away?

Are you loving the idea of Kinesiology but you’re not based in the beautiful West Coast of Scotland?  Then relax, with the amazing power of technology we can connect virtually! I work with clients in the USA, Europe, London and even some local clients who find it easier to connect virtually. Want to find out more then head over here?

comp pdf


Make it happen for you! Moving through change together. 

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