What if I’m new to Kinesiology?

Great! I am glad you have found me. If you want to find out a bit more then book a Complimentary Evaluation Session and then we can have a chat and get to know each other a bit first before you decide if you want to book a programme.

How long does a session last?

About an hour unless we agree to do a slightly longer session.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

No just bring yourself. However, If you are taking any vitamin supplements it is a good idea to bring them with you.

How do I pay for an appointment?

Appointments can be paid by cash, credit or debit card at the end of an appointment.

If you are booking a programme payment can be made in full, by cash or card at the time of booking or by monthly standing order.

How many will I need and how often do I come?

Generally speaking most people will come for about 5 or 6 sessions spread over a few months. Some people then like to come either monthly or even a couple times a year to keep them in balance.

How much time is there between sessions?

Usually two to three weeks between each session?

What happens in a session?

We discuss what’s been happening, maybe what we worked on last time and decide what our goal and intention is for the current session.

What’s your Cancellation Policy?

Appointments must be cancelled at least 48 hours in advance otherwise a cancellation fee will be incurred.

Can I buy a programme for somebody else?

Just send me an email and I can arrange that for you.

What is your privacy policy?

For more information on the privacy policy please click here.

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