Complimentary Evaluation Session

How ready are you for your Complimentary Evaluation Session?

Alison Finlay - November 2013

I know how daunting it can be to do something new especially if it’s personal, involves spending money on yourself and offers the possibility of making some major life changes.

I remember, many years ago, being given the name of a great Coach. I sat on her details for at least 6 months before I did anything. I suppose I was scared to call as I wasn’t sure how it could help me out.

Needless to say it worked for me, changed my life and here I am today doing the work I love with clients who are inspired to change and grow.

All this means that I understand that you might be a little apprehensive. Maybe you’re unsure about your next step, you want to know more and you have some questions before committing to a programme. The best way for you to get clear is to schedule a Complimentary Evaluation Session with me.

That way we find out a bit more about each other, ask and answer each other’s questions and identify if there is a good and natural fit for both of us and a good feeling about wanting to work together.

How it works

Before we set that up I ask that you answer a short questionnaire to help me determine if having a conversation would be beneficial. Once I have received your completed form, I will be in touch with some more information for you.

Make it happen for you! Moving through change together. 

Alison Finlay - November 2013

Click to see how other people found their Complimentary Evaluation Session

“ I met Alison at a Networking event about 7 months ago where she talked about the work she does, I found the chat fascinating and something she said really resonated with me, I had gone through a very difficult period with work which had certainly affected my confidence and definitely the way I was looking and thinking about things.

So after the event I visited Alison’s website to see if I could find out a little more about how she may be able to help me and noticed she offered Complimentary Evaluation Session.  I thought nothing ventured nothing gained and I knew I had to try something different. …  I emailed and made an appointment for the Complimentary Evaluation Session session.

Before the telephone meeting I had made some notes about my objectives, thoughts, feelings and emotional state, Alison was brilliant, she listened and gave some initial suggestions as to how her work may have been able to help me, from that I felt we connected and I booked a course of sessions and I haven’t looked back.

Sometimes when you are in a situation and you can’t see the wood for the trees, you focus your energy on all the wrong things, my sessions with Alison have really helped me to realise this and it has also changed my way of thinking about things.  By taking on board suggestions and focusing on my goals I have made great strides forward and I’m still continuing to make progress. The Complimentary Evaluation Session is definitely worth doing….

Thank you Alison for everything you have helped with so far, you are fab and I’m looking forward to continuing to work with you over the coming months…..” Elaine,Glasgow

“Before meeting Alison I had a rough idea I was looking for advice and support about public speaking and presentations, something I had struggled with throughout my life and dreaded whenever it cropped up.

So I decided it was time to do face up to my fear and contacted Alison after being signposted to her website. Although I knew the issues I was looking to address I was unsure about how to address them.

In my first meeting and through my discussion with Alison I definitely felt a new sense of clarity and support about how best to tackle my fear positively. Initially I thought public speaking classes would be the best option for me. However as Alison and I talked about the origins of my feelings, fears, physical and emotional responses to anxiety and how I wanted to take my life forward positively; one to one sessions and Kinesiology, which was a completely new process to me, became a workable and tangible option to me and one I wanted to explore.” Ailsa, Glasgow

Click here to complete the Complimentary Evaluation Session questionnaire. I look forward to hearing from you soon.