
  Have you heard of the phenomenon called the tall poppy syndrome which is endemic in our culture?  Imagine you are a …


Is your life too jam-packed? Do you have room to grow and develop or is your space packed to the gunwales? I …

True to Yourself

Is your life just one long list of things to tick off? Do you find yourself living in the future – thinking …


Do goals you once cared passionately for now leave you cold? Goals, for me at least, conjure up a similar image to …


How does your energy feel at the end of the day? Are you left drained by your work, by the people around …


This is not about the clue to solve your crossword or sudoku puzzle. It’s about what you need to tweak in order …


Is it about the money, money, money? What about the price tag?* What value do you have and what value do you …

Making Dreams Come True

How do you make a dream come true? I was away recently on a trip to Belgium and France.  The purpose was …

Purple patches!

I am a mad keen golfer. With the weather we have been having it has been golfing heaven!  I love it as …