Schools out for summer
This made me smile…..

The beautiful floral display in my local florist Cindy at Giffnock really caught my eye.
That’s because it is the end of the school summer term this week across Scotland. The displays were suggestions for gifts for the teacher. If I were a school teacher I would be delighted if one of my pupils pitched up with one of these!
I also recently heard some friends saying
It seems we are now following the trend in the States to give the teacher an end of year present.
The displays in the shop window were inspiring and I felt hearted by the lovely pastel colours and phrases on the plaques.
At the time I was out for an early evening walk and after I saw them I began to think about the men and women teachers that inspired me.
Thinking back to school, it was my French teacher who was from Bordeaux – she was a small dark haired lady with a fab accent and a stickler for French grammar. It was her distinct style and passion for her subject that later inspired me to study languages at University and probably added to my desire to travel and learn more about other cultures.
However, it is not just “official teachers” like the once at school that inspire us. I can think of other people that have come in to my life to fulfill that role – friends, bosses and work mates. Sometimes I don’t recognise it at the time even although it is so obvious afterwards.
But whoever that person is and whenever they came in to your life, it is important to acknowledge what they brought to you and how that has enabled you to be all that you are now.
Teachers are not always people but can be an event, a particular set of circumstances, something in nature or a pet or an animal.
My sunny evening walk enabled me to reflect back on the good teachers that have helped me to be the person I am today. I’d love to hear who has been your inspiration.