The Graduate

New Qualification!

Feeling a huge sense of relief as I have just finished a big chunk of extra training and development.  What this means is that I am now one of only 3 qualified Kinesiopractors ® in the UK along side Denise Gurney at Sustainable Self in Cheshire  and Penny Davey at PKP-Balance in  Canterbury.


I completed my Diploma in Kinesiology in 1999 and have been a practicing Kinesiologist ever since then.

My recent further studies mean I now have the International Post Graduate Diploma of Kinesiopractic ®  which is certified by the Australian government. To meet this standard has meant additional studying, practise, travel and quite a bit of commitment on my behalf!

I would really like to thank Denise, ICPKP Senior Faculty and Principal of the Cheshire Kinesiology College for visiting me in Glasgow to do one final piece of course work and an assessment. All the boxes ticked and it was time to hand over the important piece of paper. Hurray! 

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How will I be different from before?

Already there are many subtle changes to my client work. Plus I have been integrating my increased knowledge into my practise with amazing results and feedback from clients.

The most important aspect for you, my client or potential new client, is that I continue to work at an extremely high standard providing the support you need to help you find solutions. Moving through change.