Coming soon……..

Flower Power

I love the month of May when my front garden is bursting with the most amazingly colorful rhododendrons.

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Last week I was super inspired by the gorgeous gardens that I saw watching the Chelsea Flower Show on TV.  A few years ago I was lucky enough to go in person and it really was a memorable day out.

I’ve loved plants and flowers since I was a little girl. I was also fascinated by herbs and even had my own herb garden where everything grew a bit wild and rampant.

But the bees and insects loved it, my Dad not so much! I particularly Ioved learning about the medicinal and healing properties of each plant. I must have known intuitively how much a role the plant kingdom would play subsequently in my life.

For almost 20 years now I’ve used flower essences both personally and with clients and I work with different ranges from around the world.

Flower essences are the infusions of flowers in water that are potentised and then stabilised In a solution of brandy and water. They contain no scent or perfume of the flower.

I’ve seen and experienced how flower essences can help us to create more balance, assist our emotional health and wellbeing and help us deal mentally with some of the reactions we have to the things that stress us out the most.

I’d love it if more people were able to learn, understand and use the essences to help them in today’s hectic world. They are amazingly powerful and work gently and subtly. The result being we feel so much more balanced.

Right now I’m developing a short self paced e-course that offers an introduction to how flower essences could help you and your family.

Flower Power Course Logo

If you’d like to be one of the first to hear when doors open for the course then please sign up below and I’ll be in touch.

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