A Stitch in Time

The great tapestry of life!

I just managed to make a visit to The Great Tapestry of Scotland in Paisley last week.

If you have not heard of this project it is worth having a look at the website. It’s the story of Scotland as a nation and it’s people which has been stitched in over 160 panels. It is the longest stitched tapestry in the world. It took just over a year to stitch with more than 1,000 stitchers getting involved.

Tapestry of Scotland at Anchor Mills

At the moment it does not have a permanent home but is traveling around various venues.  However, it has just been announced that it is going to have a permanent home in the Borders.

My trip was very emotional. The Tapestry was housed in Anchor Mills in Paisley. Firstly, I was born in Paisley many moons ago, and secondly I used to work for Coats Viyella whose brand was Anchor and who used to own the mill buildings.

Anchor Mills, Paisley

I have also frequently passed the old mill buildings since I was a child but it was fascinating to be in them and to imagine what it must have been like in their hey day.

I was inspired by the creativity of the artist who envisaged the Tapestry, the colours, the stitching, the talent of the stitchers, the memories and the humour.

Plus I just love serendipity! Here’s why! Shortly before going to the exhibition I was working with a client during a session when it came for us to use an affirmation.

The affirmation was:

I am worthy.  A glorious strand in the tapestry of life.

When I was visiting the exhibition I remembered this. In most of the panels a piece of iconic history told a story and many important Scots featured in them. Every person or event was a strand in Scotland’s history. The other visitors I heard talking said how proud they felt as the Tapestry jogged our memories of all the good stuff Scotland is known for.

The message for me is that

You too are a strand in the tapestry of life. We need every piece of thread and every stitch to create a fantastic picture. You have a purpose and you have a contribution. It does not matter if this is big or small – what matters is that you show up. That you are fully present because you are worthy of your place.

What are you doing half heartedly? Wouldn’t it be great to be a “glorious strand in the tapestry of life”?